Monday, May 16, 2016

Architectural Significant Theory

Theory “Mash-up”- people are integral to architecture as much as architecture is integral to people

Both the study and making of art will gain a new vitality with a progressive intent to better the neighbourhood for everyone. Buildings outlive people and, from the moment an architect hands a building over to a client, their creations take over a life of their own, which will allow pedestrians flexibility to manoeuvre its location. The theme of time is integral as "public space" will be catalytic, altering our experience and community engagement. Beyond the design and execution of a neighbourhood that is indicative of the rapid cultural change, it is increasingly important for creating new routes and gestures towards engagement. Users change as a result of fluctuating social and economic forces, so to shape a unique experience by changing our point of comparison, there is an engagement with wider urban conditions.

Great architecture is itself educational- the visual expression of the layering of history within them is somewhat ambiguous, yet it inspires all of us to reach, to imagine, to expand our ideas. Scars from buildings’ former lives are retained and contrasted with contemporary interventions, appropriating old tropes of creativity, labour, and industry. By being inspired — by a place, by people, by a project, the conflation of art, tech, and adaptive reuse develops its richness from the addition of new layers into the life of those who suggest a brighter future and better world ahead for all of us.


Kevin Burke, “F&M Receives Gift from Winter Family for Landmark Visual Arts Building,”
Daniel Marmot, “Building on the Built: the Work of Jonathan Tuckey Design,”
Mimi Zeiger, “Creative office space is the dominant aesthetic of our time,”

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